Sunday, September 29, 2013

When a nation is wounded

     Some look at this old military man and think I was born with a K Bar in my teeth and a M60 machine gun strapped to my side.  The honest truth is that I learned to cry with the deepest heartfelt passion when I lost my first love before I got into high school.  I never thought I'd feel that way again until I started to see this president rip our country apart.  The pain returns along with the tears.

     My years in the military came with intensive training where we were taught honor, integrity, commitment, and leadership.  To learn to practice leadership was essential to the unity and functional value of our unit.  We learned compassion, respect, and a sense of fair play.  I have come to respect good leadership and it was my duty to follow all reasonable and legal orders.

     Today I see a president who has demonstrated such a lack of leadership that I often wonder what side he is on.  He has divided this country to the point of destruction.  This president trashes those who disagree with his twisted ideological policies.  I see a narcissistic president dictating because he is incapable of effective leadership nor does he have the integrity that would inspire reasonable people to follow him and his band of merry thugs.

     This president has wounded this great nation and I hope it is not mortally wounded.  While on prompter his speeches are magnificent and he hypnotizes those who are intellectually weak.  His promises are great, but when you compare his statements to his actual actions it comes to be just promises.  He is a walking talking fiction and when things go wrong he never takes responsibility and always finds someone else to blame.

     Soon the effects of Obama's ineptitude will reach those who have worshiped him from day one.  The country will be in ruins, much like the fall of Rome and Obama will blame someone or some thing or some event...but he will still be a king somewhere.  Yes, I know what respect and leadership is and it just isn't Obama!


  1. I hear and feel the pain you describe, as I too find myself fighting back tears with the frustration of seeing our country sink with less than half of the citizens putting up a fight. I am tired of being called a bigot because I question the policies of our president. with all honesty I don't see him as a man of color, I see him as a man elected to lead this country. I do see black and white, but I don't judge a person based on it...but I digress...

    I have put many goals on hold this past few years to try to help educate people as to the plight of President Obama's

  2. Thanks for your comments Marian...many feel the way we do!
