Thursday, August 1, 2013

Propaganda sells attitudes and opinions.

Gobbels once said that propaganda built the Reich.  He was right on the money.  At the time, during WW2, Nazi Germany had the biggest propaganda machine in the world and Hitler had a 90% approval rating all due to the artful use of propaganda.  How do you think a country the size of Texas managed to damn near take over the world?

Lets take a look at America these days.  I am not a writer and as far as reporting all I've done is report for duty in the service of my country because I believed in the principles of the constitution and freedom.  I actually went to war thinking that I was defending those principles and now as a plain old citizen I don't really know what the hell is going on.  I always thought a country of the people meant that we would have an honest transparent government open and above board with the people.  The people should be able to trust the government but all we've been getting is back door deals, secrecy, and a whole pack of lies.  It leads me to question the fact that we are being victimized by some real artful propaganda and manipulation.  William M. Lewis said "Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent.  More than anything the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking."

We have a president who is a master speaker and I can't help but think about how many terrible misdeeds have come about with the use of just the right words artfully arranged by a master of the great lie.  Compare what he says to his actions and you will see that he is manipulating the masses because the average voter has brains that can be molded like silly putty.  They are probably all real nice people who will no doubt be the first victims of whatever scheme is being hatched these days in Washington.  Sorry folks...I don't trust the integrity of the current leadership.


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