Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another long speech by Obama...same as 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,'s all recorded so why bother?  Same words and the same lack of action.  How can America survive with such pathetic leadership?  He says to the American people that all these scandals are any of you believe that?  Why is he and his band of merry thugs hideing from the questions? I have served under Kennedy and Reagan too as my commander in chief...also Johnson and Nixon but I'd rather forget those two.  I do know what real leadership looks like and I don't see it in our current president.  I doubt if I could serve under such a disfunctional twisted ideological administration.  It's just my opinion.  I initially had high hopes for this guy but now I see the results of what we are getting and I can't help but feel that I am losing the America I once fought for in some very far away places.

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