Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Obama Narcissist supreme alienates the American people.

Obama is a different kind of president than I am used to.  I served in the military under JFK, Johnson, Reagan,Nixon, and I can't count Carter and I barely survived Johnson and his great society.  I don't think I could serve under Obama.  He would have tossed me out anyway no matter what my dedication has been to the service of this nation.  I just wonder if our commander in chief knows what service is.  Who would be crazy enough to follow him into battle since he can't take responsibility for anything.  As far as honor and integrity goes it is necessary for the effective leadership of men and he certainly lacks in that area of character.

Obama has locked out the people from the Whitehouse and has isolated himself in a large bubble of indifference as he flaunts the plight of real American citizens with lavish expensive vacations.  When he's not on vacation he campaigns...and then he campaigns...and then campaigns some more as a way to spred his bullcrap and tell us all of the great things he will do.  IT NEVER GETS DONE AND WHATEVER GOES WRONG SOMEONE ELSE IS RESPONSABLE...the poor guy is so busy wrecking the nation that he needs more time off.

Maybe he should go to Chicago and organize that community and maybe a stop off in Detroit to whip some more of his magic words of wisdom on those good people.  Better yet let him turn the IRS and the EPA loose on anyone who doesn't agree with him and nail the racist bastards to the cross...sorry, I mean wall!

I would like to know from anyone what Obama has done for this country backed up with real facts and I will show you at least twenty things he has done to destroy the very fabric of a great nation.

1 comment:

  1. This commentary is written with intelligence, compassion and love of country. Wake up, American! Don't let the American dream die! Too many soldiers have already died to preserve our freedom and our great nation. Take the country back!
