Thursday, July 25, 2013

What about truth?

     It's impossible to expect any truth from any of our elected officials regardless of party.  Is it because the truth is so painful?  Is it because it's so much easier to live in a false reality where the facts just don't quite fit with our need to have all the pieces fit even if it's all a big lie?  Are we so readily willing to sacrifice integrity, our values and principles, our ethics that we are prepared to accept the dishonesty and lack of character in leadership that we are now recieving from the very top positions of our nations leaders.  I was once told by an old Navy Chief that "YOU ONLY GET WHAT YOU INSIST UPON".  Is it so wrong to demand that our representitives have some integrity toward the job we pay them to do?  I don't give a damn what your party affiliation is...should we not get some truth and straight answers and should we not see an end to all the backdoor deals that go on in that cesspool at Washington DC?  How about some damn answers on what's happening with our justice department, our IRS, our out of control EPA, and why all of a sudden are we letting good Americans die in places like Libya without a legitimate explaination?  How can we fix anything without some simple truth from our so called leaders?  I for one have had enough of all this nonsense!  I don't want the free shit from our government...just a little integrity and for our leaders to quit hiding behind the big lie!

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