Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bring Pain To The People?

     It's really hard to prove intent but one can pretty much pin point intent where the actions are constant.  I really think America deserves better than we are getting.  There's not much respect for us in the world by those who once were our allies.  America was one of those countries that had character.  America was always first on the scene during national  disasters around the world.  During my time in the military I was proudly in a position to participate in a few humanitarian missions here and there.  America was always there giving of its time and treasure to help.  Things have changed since we have a president who thinks we should be more like Europe and follow their socialist model.  The progressive democrat as we see pretty much running the MSM and the government is basically a terminal disease that has systematically stripped this nation of all that has made us great.

     I have never had a party affiliation.  I have to vote one way or another because our choices are just that.  Essentially I vote for those who will oppress us the least and most of all I look for leadership.  A good leader doesn't find fault or blame and looks for solutions to very complex problems.  I good leader takes responsibility for his actions or inactions.  A good leader inspires the people, he unites the people, and he doesn't punish the people when things don't go his way.  With respect to our current leader his attitudes are a mirror of a twisted narcissistic mind.  We want America back...I hope we can survive this guy!

1 comment:

  1. It is beyond me how we ever got by considering the ignorance and apathy of a great number of American voters. I confess, I used to be one of the, but not to the extreme I see in today's Americans.

    I have been out of school for forty-three years. I left school well educated in language arts and math but very inadequate training for the responsibility it takes to run a country. Yes, I say run a country. WE The PEOPLE were to be the ones charged with voting for representatives on our behalf to run this country. We have been derilect in our duties to elect people who value the true meaning of our Constitution. We have voted in thieves, communists, socialists, and inept loons who quickly become pawns of special interest groups, lobbyists, and rich old men (George Soros) who are out to collapse our economy to favor their own socialistic goals. But I digress...

    I had 1/2 year of government and 1/2 year if economics in my senior year of high school. That was not nearly enough to prepare me to be a part of running The United States of America. All I learned about politics, government, and economics came within the past five years. It took the Obama Administration to scare me enough to become an active part of getting our country back on track.

    If a sixty-one year old non college educated gray haired woman can understand the responsibility of keeping with our Constitution, the rest of the people sure as he'll can do it. It is not that difficult to educate YOURSELF and live up to the responsibility to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
