Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Solving Government Problems

One of the things that make government dysfunctional is having dysfunctional people in high office.  It starts at the top.  How can we gain any sort of ground when we have a narcissistic leader who can never assume responsibility nor will ever admit accountability to anything.  Then you have the blind followers...you'll find them everywhere!  Standing your ground is admirable when in combat, but when it comes to governing a very large number of people there has to be a certain degree if give and take which is about how a marriage works until one of the two parties refuses to give...then in come the lawyers! 

"Any government that has a sincere desire for reform and progress should understand the benefit of objective and constructive criticism."  Hamad Khalifa

Can you imagine a narcissist like president Obama accepting any kind of responsibility yet alone criticism about anything?  Have you ever tried to match what he says with what he actually does?  Does anyone really believe that this guy ever was presidential material?  So here we are with a totally dysfunctional government with the dysfunction starting at the top.  it is obvious that Obama will inflict any pain he can on the American people just to make his point or to promote his twisted agenda.  The proof is out there in his everyday actions.

Here's to a better day and for a leader who can save us from this madness!

1 comment:

  1. I see the problems of today another way, although I agree with you completely. I see the problem coming from the top, with inept and ideolistic leadership. I also see it coming from the bottom with uninformed and selfish voters voting with "ME" in mind instead or "WE". There is a stick of dynamite with a wick at each end set to meet in the middle.
