Thursday, October 3, 2013


     The hell is wondering why?  Sometimes I feel like that steel ball in a pin ball machine.  It sounds kinda crazy.  The world has always been crazy.  I learned that at a very young age in Vietnam.  A sign I saw when I was entering a helo on a medevac...YOU HAVE NEVER LIVED UNTIL YOU HAVE ALMOST DIED...I thought to myself, What the hell does that mean? didn't take me long to find out.

     I always had hope.  I knew the world had to get better.  People who see this destruction and misery will learn from it.  I really believed it back then and then time went on and the next thing I knew I was in Beirut as a navy corpsman with a bunch of marines.  It was a different place and a different time and nothing had changed.  It was 1983 and even after Vietnam and other places we were still political pawns being directed by a bunch of old men in Washington who have never been up front and personal with the true nature of war.

     I have never lost faith in my country and the principles it was founded on but I've come to believe that you only get what you insist upon and it seems the people we elect to represent us begin the process of being slowly corrupted by pressure groups and on a personal level by power.  They reach a point to where they forget or don't even care who they work for.  Our government is broken.  Integrity right from the top is gone.  A fish rots from the head down and soon the citizens being frustrated soon disengage and now we have the inmates running a dysfunctional country right over the cliff.

     At this point we need to step up our engagement and work for a whole new kind of people to represent us.  People who will follow the constitution!  People who will enforce the laws and repeal the bad laws. It seems to me that I said something like that back in the 60's while the whole world was falling apart.  I do remember one thing...Rome did not change and the empire is no more!


  1. Though I have never seen war first hand like you did, I have seen it through the eyes of vets who have. Their eyes are always a little sadder thanost, and their minds and hearts ate permanently scarred.

    At sixty one years of age I didn't think I would be involved in battle. But here I am, fighting daily to do my part to put a stopper in the drain our country is spinning into. I love my country but not what it is becoming. Our values are being compromised as we become more of a secular society, our faith is discouraged as God is removed from every public facet of our lives, our children are indoctrinated and taught revised and bogus history, and our governmentis growing ever mire powerful while our citizens become ever more dependent.

  2. "Without LIBERTY, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without LAW , liberty also loses its nature and its name and becomes licentious." James Q Wilson



    An evil necessity is regulation

    Unfair to the point of mere oppression

    Under unscrupulous leaders meant to control us

    Strictly mandated and with force they enroll us

    Liberty is lost with abundance of law

    Will we ever reach the final straw?

    Government control is propagated

    When our every move is regulated

    When did We the People become the slave?

    How did we turn to care from cradle to grave?

    How was our pride so compromised?

    Were we so desperate to accept the lies?

  3. Thank you for your service and for your love of country which is so evident in this commentary. I, too, feel the same way you do. The elected officials need to be held accountable and if they do not abide by the Constitution and work for WE THE PEOPLE as it was intended then they should be immediately impeached.
